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Curriculum Mapping: Supporting & Empowering

Ontario Curriculum Mapping

Welcome to our page dedicated to Ontario Curriculum mapping for Math and Science in grades 6-9. Here, you will find valuable information on curriculum expectations, comparisons with other countries, useful resources, and updates related to the curriculum. Our goal is to enhance your understanding of the Ontario curriculum and empower you to support learners from different countries, drawing upon their unique strengths in the classroom.

Science Curriculum Mapping

Enhance your teaching with curated curriculum mapping for grades 6-9 in SCIENCE, featuring integrated Binogi videos to engage and support your students throughout their learning journey.

Discover the core of Ontario Science curriculum expectations and key concepts, equipping you with the essential knowledge to effectively guide your students’ learning journey in grades 6-9.

Explore a comparative analysis of SCIENCE curricula for grades 6-9 between Ontario and different countries, to leverage all students’ strengths and design targeted supports in your classroom.

Math Curriculum Mapping

Enhance your teaching with curated curriculum mapping for grades 6-9 in MATH, featuring integrated Binogi videos to engage and support your students throughout their learning journey.

Discover the core of Ontario Math curriculum expectations and key concepts, equipping you with the essential knowledge to effectively guide your students’ learning journey in grades 6-9.

Explore a comparative analysis of MATH curricula for grades 6-9 between Ontario and different countries, to leverage all students’ strengths and design targeted supports in your classroom.

OAME 2023

Check out our presentation at OAME 2023 to learn more about curriculum mapping and equitable and interactive math lessons for the multilingual classroom!