Karamhttps://www.youtube.com/watch?v=OtDbk1JmNwE In this video, Karam Noel, a PhD student, introduces himself and speaks about the impact that his childhood school experiences had on his current research interests and his interest… Learn More
KanzaIn this video, Kanza Tariq, a PhD student, introduces herself and speaks about what she loves about the ESCAPE project…. Learn More
I Failed My First Math TestIn this video: A PhD student in the Language and Literacies Education program at OISE, recalls her experiences learning math in Ontario and the challenges she had understanding word problems in… Learn More
ERGO EVENT: Binogi and Translanguaging PedagogyProfessors Emmanuelle Le Pichon-Vorstman and Jim Cummins from OISE at the University of Toronto outline how Binogi can lead to teachers infusing translanguaging into classrooms. Binogi acts as a bridge to develop translanguaging… Learn More
ERGO EVENT: Understanding math curriculum in different countries to support multilingual learners: Curriculum mapping of Syrian curriculum (Mathematics Grades 4-8)Have you ever wondered how math is taught in different countries? What topics are taught? How did some of your students learn math before coming to Canada? Learn from Dr. Dania… Learn More
ERGO EVENT: Math Problems in Different LanguagesDo you ever wonder how your multilingual learners solve math problems? Are you aware of some of the similarities and differences that relate to mathematical problems in different languages? Check… Learn More
ERGO EVENT: Exploring Multilingual TechnologyIn this video: Dr. Dania Wattar and Vivian Lee from OISE, University of Toronto discuss different technologies that can be used to support Multilingual learners. https://youtu.be/NXxIi6lQPVw… Learn More
Language Friendly SchoolWithin a Language Friendly School, everyone welcomes and values all languages spoken by the students, the parents and the school stakeholders…. Visit Site (Opens in a new window)
Rutu FoundationThe Rutu Foundation for Intercultural Multilingual Education is a non-profit organization based in the Netherlands. We work to secure the right of all children to have an equal right to… Visit Site (Opens in a new window)
Talking PointsAn app that allows teachers to communicate with parents in many different languages…. Visit Site (Opens in a new window)