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About Us

Our Activities

Pilot Project: Emmanuelle Le Pichon & Jim Cummins conducted research in one school in Toronto, Canada – this springboarded everything!

SSHRC & MITACS Grants: More researchers joined the project and we started expanding beyond Ontario.

Today we are a research team of 15 + graduate students and professors, creating language friendly resources for math and science classrooms, offering workshops in schools and community centers for parents, and disseminating our learnings with everyone we can!


Language Friendly Pedagogy

Students learn better and faster when they also learn through their mother tongue.
Fostering inclusive and culturally responsive education environments benefit students, educators, parents, and the broader school community.
Language Friendly Schools gain access to resources, workshops, and effective pedagogical strategies.
Check out Language Friendly Schoolsfor more information.

Reciprocal Knowledge

Students have a lot to teach us.

Mission 3

Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet.

Meet the Team