Dr. Sunny Lau from Bishop University invited Dr. Emmanuelle Le Pichon and Dr. Mai Naji to conduct a workshop for high school teachers in Quebec. This workshop was part of the Entente Canada-Quebec project, designed to assist teachers in offering courses in French at this Anglophone college, in compliance with the newly enacted Law 14 in the province. Dr. Le Pichon and Dr. Naji emphasized the importance of language-friendly pedagogy, encouraging learners to use their full linguistic repertoire and to draw on their prior knowledge and experiences. They shared a range of resources and AI tools with the attendees. Participants engaged in various activities aimed at enhancing reasoning skills in math, exploring multiple representations of math word problems, and understanding scientific terms in different languages. Through these activities, participants gained valuable insights and practical tools to support multilingual education in their classrooms.

Reflecting on the session, Dr. Le Pichon shared her admiration for the teachers’ adaptability: “We were particularly impressed by the teachers’ incredible creativity in adapting their teaching strategies to meet their students’ needs. For example, one math teacher demonstrated how translating the terms ‘even’ and ‘uneven’ into French could significantly clarify these concepts for students, which was a revelation for us.”