Overall Expectation

Demonstrate an understanding of the development and use of geometric and measurement relationships, and apply these relationships to solve problems, including problems involving real-life situations.

Specific Expectation

Create and analyse designs involving circle properties, using various tools.

Learning Objectives/Big Idea

Learning Objective: To be able to understand the geometric concepts involving circles.

Big Idea: Circles are common in problems involving real-life situations

Additional Resources - Lesson Plan Template


The following Bilingual and Add Your Language Glossary Sheets include terms from Binogi’s Pythagorean Theorem Videos.

Interactive Game Booklet

Flipped Classroom

Students are assigned to watch the Binogi videos on Circles prior to the lesson. (Make sure students have an access to internet). Then, they record at least 1 question and 1 interesting/surprising fact they learned from the videos to share with the class Padlet or Scrumblr.

Language Friendly Pedagogy

Students can use the Concept Detective table to understand new concepts they are learning. They may include a description in English or a language of their choice. They can draw a picture or add an image to explain the meaning of one of the concepts they learned.