Curriculum Expectation

Overall Expectation

Demonstrate an understanding of the characteristics of the Earth’s water systems and the influence of water systems on a specific region.

Specific Expectation

Identify factors (e.g., annual precipitation, temperature, climate change) that affect the size of glaciers and polar ice-caps, and describe the effects of these changes on local and global water systems.


Learning Objectives/Big Idea

Learning Objectives

Understanding factors that change the size of glaciers and ice caps and how it affects the water systems.

Big Idea

Understanding how human actions cause change in climate and consequently, in the ecosystem and our lives.

Binogi Related Resources

Additional Resources


The following Bilingual and Add Your Language Glossary Sheets include terms from Binogi’s Climate Change-The Biology Perspective Video in English and other languages.

Activity: Action

The class watches the Binogi video on climate change, the teacher pauses the video and asks questions:

  1. Why do you think the temperature has increased drastically in the past 100 years? What is the term used to describe this phenomenon?
  2. Have you experienced or witnessed any consequences of global warming? Explain.

Extension Ideas:

  • Research the causes of global warming and its effects. Plan a campaign to stop global warming at a local level using multimedia.
  • Calculate carbon footprint.

Consolidation/Reflection – Gallery Walk

  1. Students get into small groups and discuss the following questions: (write the responses on a chart paper)
  2. Each group put up the chart paper on the wall.
  3. Do Gallery Walk. Each student leaves comments/feedback on other groups’ responses, using sticky notes.

Language Friendly Pedagogy

Ask students whether they can add new vocabulary to their Concept Detective document. You may print this or make a copy  for each student on programs like Google Classroom. Students will be encouraged to use this document each class to identify new words, consider writing meaning or finding meanings with the help of peers, teachers and/ or parents. 

Examples of concepts to add for this unit include: 

  • global warming
  • air pollution
  • greenhouse effect
  • ozone layer