Curriculum Expectation

Overall Expectation

Assess the costs and benefits of technologies that reduce heat loss or heat-related impacts on the environment.

Specific Expectation

Identify common sources of greenhouse gases (e.g., carbon dioxide comes from plant and animal respiration and the burning of fossil fuels; methane comes from wetlands, grazing livestock, termites, fossil fuel extraction, and landfills; nitrous oxide comes from soils and nitrogen fertilizers), and describe ways of reducing emissions of these gases.


Learning Objectives/Big Idea

Learning Objectives

Understanding the effects of heat on the Earth. For example, the greenhouse effect and global warming.

Big Idea

Understand how I can be aware of, and reduce, greenhouse gases and my carbon footprint.

Binogi Related Resources

Additional Resources


The following Bilingual and Add Your Language Glossary Sheets include terms from Binogi’s Greenhouse Gases Video in English and other languages.

Activity: Minds ON

Use information on greenhouse gases from NASA and create Kahoot questions before the class.

  • Play Kahoot with students.

Activity: Action

Have students guess what “carbon footprint” means, then explain.

Each student calculates their own carbon footprint (available in different languages). Have students make notes of their results.

Interactive Game – English/Arabic

Interactive Game – English/Urdu

Interactive Game – English/Mandarin

Language Friendly Pedagogy

Ask students whether they can add new vocabulary to their Concept Detective. You may print this or make a copy  for each student on programs like Google Classroom. Students will be encouraged to use this document each class to identify new words, consider writing meaning or finding meanings with the help of peers, teachers and/ or parents.

Examples of concepts to add for this unit include:

  • Heat
  • Global warming
  • Carbon dioxide, methane, chlorofluorocarbons, acid rain
  • Particle theory
  • Fossil fuels
  • Carbon footprint

Parent and Community Connection

Students can explore with their parents the Grade 7 and ON Grades 1-8 Glossaries in English and in their own language (see Glossary Sheets below). 

The goal is to consolidate the students’ learning as well as increase parental involvement and raise awareness of what they are learning in school.