Curriculum Expectation

Overall Expectation

B2. Demonstrate an understanding of interactions between and among biotic and abiotic elements in the environment.

Specific Expectation

B2.4. Describe the transfer of energy in a food chain and explain the effects of the elimination of any part of the chain.


Learning Objectives/Big Idea

Learning Objectives

Understanding how the energy transfers from a prey to a predator and the consequences when the population of prey and/or predator decreases.

Big Idea

Understand the relationship between plants/animals in a food chain.

Binogi Related Resources

Additional Resources


Nutrient Chain

The following Bilingual and Add Your Language Glossary Sheets include terms from Binogi’s Nutrient Chain Video.

Food Chains and Food Webs

The following Bilingual and Add Your Language Glossary Sheets include terms from Binogi’s Food Chains and Food Webs Video.

Minds On Activity

Set up 4-Corners: each corner will have the following sign – “strongly agree,” “agree,” “disagree,” or “strongly disagree.”

Read out the following statements and students move to the corner that aligns best with their thinking; after each statement, students discuss with peers within the same corner and share what they discussed with the class.

  1. We can live without plants.
  2. Animals and plants are independent of each other.
  3. Climate does not influence animals and plants in a habitat.
  4. When animals and plants die, they are used by plants as energy.

Action Activity


Small Group Discussion:

  • How would you visually present the relationship between the aquatic fish, Mallard ducks, and humans?
  • How would a food chain for an animal look like?
  • What are some factors that disrupt a food chain?

Language Friendly Pedagogy

Ask students whether they can add new vocabulary to their Concept Detective document. You may print this or make a copy  for each student on programs like Google Classroom. Students will be encouraged to use this document each class to identify new words, consider writing meaning or finding meanings with the help of peers, teachers and/ or parents. 

Examples of concepts to add for this unit include: 

  • ecological pyramids
  • limiting factors
  • energy
  • food chain
  • producers, (primary, secondary, tertiary)
  • consumers