In Afghanistan, numbers 7 and V are often used synonymously, as the Farsi numeral for 7 is V. For example. instead of referring to a shirt as a V-neck shirt, it is referred to as a seven-neck shirt.

Numeric Separators

In North America, the comma is used as a thousands separator, and the period is used as the decimal point. For example, 1,000.50 would be one thousand and fifty cents.

Many countries use the opposite convention, with a period as the thousands separator and a comma as the decimal point. ​For example, 1.000,50 would be read as one thousand and fifty cents.


The word ‘algebra’  comes from the Arabic word  ‘الجبر‘ (al-jabr), which means “reunion of broken parts.”


The numeral system, which is now used globally (0-9), originated in the Arab world and is known as the Arabic Numeral System. Nonetheless, these numbers are written from left to right: 0,1,2,3,…
unlike the direction of the Arabic script, which is written right to left!

In some countries, other Arabic numerals are used as the standard numerical system….Check out the table below (first row) to compare the two sets of numerals!

In Afghanistan, numbers 7 and V are often used synonymously, as the Farsi numeral for 7 is V. For example. instead of referring to a shirt as a V-neck shirt, it is referred to as a seven-neck shirt.