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The ESCAPE Projects

Teaching and Learning in a Linguistically and Culturally Responsive Way

We explore the use of language friendly pedagogy in STEM education. We’re happy you’re here!

What you'll find here

Language Friendly Resources

For families and teachers.

Research- and Evidence-Based Tips

Discover actionable insights and strategies grounded in the latest educational research.

News & Events

Stay updated with the latest happenings and upcoming events at Escape Projects.


Explore our workshops offering hands-on learning and inclusive approaches.

What's New?

Research- and Evidence-Based Practices

Anonymous (Educators) 

“Thank you very much for offering…students such a great opportunity to accelerate the learning of math.” 

“Binogi [and] ESCAPE were both useful resources as they provided a learning resource that was already culturally responsive. They provided a good framework to work off of and build my own resources in the future.”