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Math Resources: Chinese 数学资源:中文

Discover curriculum, ministry, and other related resources to support your child’s Math learning journey. 了解课程、大纲及其他相关资源,支持您孩子的数学学习之旅。

Math Curriculum Resources 数学课程资源

Explore the Ontario’s Math curricula for Grades 6-8 and Grade 9 (de-streamed). Get a glimpse of key learning areas and objectives to support your child’s mathematical growth. 探索安大略省6-8年级和9年级的数学课程。了解关键的学习领域和目标,以支持孩子的数学水平提升。

Navigate through tables outlining both overall and specific expectations for each Math strand. Understand in more detail what your child will learn at each stage. 浏览每个数学领域中课程目标和具体教学目的的表格,更详细地了解您的孩子在每个阶段将学习的内容。

Math Ministry Resources 数学教育部资源

Explore Ontario Math Curriculum Expectations by strand and learn about the framework used by teachers to guide your children’s mathematical development in grades 6-9. 探索安大略省数学课程中按领域划分的教学目标,和用来指导您孩子6至9年级数学学习的框架。

Support Your Child’s Math Learning’ is a resource designed to empower parents and guardians in enhancing their child’s math education. Uncover effective techniques, engaging activities, and insightful guidance to make math an enjoyable and practical part of your child’s everyday life. “支持您的孩子的数学学习”是一项旨在帮助家长和监护人提升孩子数学教育的资源。通过该资源,您可以发现有效的技巧、有趣的活动和实用的指引,让数学成为孩子日常生活中有趣且实用的一部分。

This guide illuminates the transition to a single math course, outlining key changes, the curriculum content, and how you can support your child’s learning.

  • 该指南详细介绍了转变为单一数学课程的过程,概述了主要变化、课程内容,以及您如何支持孩子的学习。

Who? 谁?

All Grade 3, 6, and 9 students who attend publicly funded schools in Ontario. 所有在安大略省公立学校就读的3年级、6年级和9年级学生。

When? 什么时候?

Math EQAO is administered in the spring term for Grades 3 and 6, and in both the spring and winter term for Grade 9. 3年级和6年级的数学EQAO测试在春季学期进行,9年级的测试则在春季和冬季学期进行。

Where? 在哪?

EQAO is digitized and students take the test at school during regular school hours. EQAO测试是电子化的,学生在学校的正常上课时间进行测试。


The results are used by educators, schools, and school boards to identify areas of strengths and areas that may need improvement in the education system. 测试结果供教育工作者、学校和学区用来识别教育系统中的优势领域以及可能需要改进的领域。

How does the EQAO result affect a student’s final school grade? EQAO成绩如何影响学生的最终学业成绩?

The EQAO results for Grade 3 and 6 students do not count toward their overall math grade, whereas the result can count up to 10% of the final math grade for Grade 9. 3年级和6年级学生的EQAO成绩不计入他们的整体数学成绩,而9年级学生的成绩可能会占最终数学成绩的最高10%。