
欢迎来到 ESCAPES家庭空间!



🔬 了解课程:通过简单的概述、课程目标和关键概念来探索科学和数学课程。帮助您清晰的指导孩子的进步。


📘 一览教育局认证资源: 访问教育局批准的指南和符合安大略省教育标准的 TVO Learn 学习资源。 使用值得信赖的自信资源地导览课程。


🚀 鼓励在家学习:激发孩子对科学和数学的兴趣!探索旨在支持、挑战和激励年轻人的各种学习资源。另外,他们介绍 Binogi,给他们带来可以互动且引人入胜的学习体验。




探索安大略省 6-8 年级和 9 年级的数学课程(不分班)。了解支持孩子数学成长的关键学习领域。






逐条期望并了解教师用于指导 6-9 年级孩子数学发展的框架。

Math Curriculum Guides for Parents

Support your Child’s Math Learning

‘Support Your Child’s Math Learning’ is a resource designed to empower parents and guardians in enhancing their child’s math education. Uncover effective techniques, engaging activities, and insightful guidance to make math an enjoyable and practical part of your child’s everyday life. 

Grade 9 Math: A Guide for Parents

This guide illuminates the transition to a single math course, outlining key changes, the curriculum content, and how you can support your child’s learning. 

省级数学评估: 教育质量和问责办公室(EQAO)


All Grade 3, 6, and 9 students who attend publicly funded schools in Ontario

Math EQAO is administered in the spring term for Grades 3 and 6, and in both the spring and winter term for Grade 9.

EQAO is digitized and students take the test at school during regular school hours.

The results are used by educators, schools, and school boards to identify areas of strengths and areas that may need improvement in the education system.

The EQAO results for Grade 3 and 6 students do not count toward their overall math grade, whereas the result can count up to 10% of the final math grade for Grade 9.




探索安大略省 1-9 年级的科学课程(未分班)。 了解支持您孩子的科学知识学习和技能发展。


Explore concise summaries of expectations and key concepts for Science curriculum. Understand in more detail what your child will learn in each grade. 




Grade 9 Science: Parent Guide

This guide illuminates the transition to a single science course, outlining key changes, the curriculum content, and how you can support your child’s learning. 

2022 Elementary Science and Technology Curriculum: Parent Guide

Discover insights into Ontario’s updated science and technology curriculum for Grades 1 to 8. Explore changes introduced in the winter of 2022.

3 Types of Assessments

Categories of Knowledge and Skills

  • This is a formative assessment that happens throughout the year in both formal informal form. This assessment helps both teachers and students monitor progress and identify areas for improvement. 
  • Examples: feedback, anecdotal notes, peer-evaluation, observations, questioning, worksheets, etc.
  • This is a formative assessment which is a type of self-assessment where students actively engage in assessing their own learning and monitoring their progress.
  • Examples: self-evluation, reflection, learning logs, portfolios, etc.
  • This is referred to as a summative assessment. This type of evaluation typically takes place at the end of a unit, term, and/or semester, during which teachers assess students’ performance.
  • Examples: quizzes, tests, exams, final project

Levels of Achievement

Students are assessed and evaluated on content knowledge and skills.

: the acquisition of subject-specific content (knowledge) and the ability to grasp the meaning and importance of this acquired information (understanding)

: the use of problem-solving and creative thinking skills and/or processes

: sharing and expressing ideas in different ways

: the use of knowledge and skills to make ocnnections within and between various contexts



Binogi at Home Video

Hello and welcome to Binogi. My name is Rosalia, and I’m one of the research assistants with The ESCAPE Projects. Today, I am going to show you how Binogi can be used at home with your child.

Binogi is an online learning tool that provides educational videos for math and science. Your child’s teacher will use Binogi in various ways: they can use the videos before, during, and/or after the lesson in class. They can also create assignments for students to watch the video and do the quizzes at home.

Once your child has a Binogi account, this is how their Binogi homepage looks like. As you can see, their recent activities are displayed, so you can easily check what your child is learning at school. If videos and quizzes are assigned to your child by their teacher, this is how it looks like on their homepage. The name of the Binogi lesson, tasks, and due date and time are indicated.

For this video, let’s say that your child has already watched a video on “The History of Climate Change” and did Quiz 1 at school, and you would like to review the lesson with your child. You can either click it under “Your Activities” or type it in the search engine.

The video has a number of features: 1) There is a transcript below the video; 2) you can control the speed; 3) you can rewind the video a few seconds; and 4) you can choose a language for the spoken language and subtitles. For example, let’s say your first language is Dari. You can select “Dari” as the spoken language and choose “English” for subtitles.

When you watch the video with your child, you can use this ‘play’ and ‘pause’ button to stop the video and converse with your child about the content at any time. You can also ask your child to tell you about the lesson before watching the video together. We encourage you to share your experiences regarding the topic as it will enrich the discourse with your child. For example, you might have experienced a natural disaster due to the climate change in your home country or while you were travelling. Sharing your stories will not only increase your child’s motivation and engagement in learning, but also provide an opportunity for them to inquire further and do their own research. Also, depends on the topic and your stories, it can help your child to broaden their perspectives and learn more about your or other cultures and countries.

Lastly, there are 3 quizzes. Like the video, you can change the language. Please note that the quizzes are ordered by difficulty and they consist of multiple choices, fill in the blanks, and written responses. You can either solve the problems together with your child or support them when they need your help.

If you and your child would like to learn more about the topic or related topic, you can easily find videos on those topics by using the search engine. For example, let’s say you and your child would like to learn about “greenhouse gases” after watching “The History of Climate Change”. Type “greenhouse gases” in the search engine, then it will show a list of videos that are related to “greenhouse gases”. It shows that there are 55 videos on “greenhouse gases”. From here, you can narrow down the search by subject and language. You can also find a video with quizzes only by clicking this bar.

I hope that this video was informative and that you feel more comfortable supporting your child at home with Binogi. Thank you!

Linking Ontario Math and Science Topics to Binogi Videos


Click the buttons/tabs below for examples of related Binogi videos to different grades’ math and science curriculum expectations:


Click to print a copy of the Ontario Curriculum Expectations and Binogi Videos resource

ESCAPE Projects Resources

Related Resources

Math Resources


Online math game platform for Gr. 1 ~ 8 students


Explore math at home with your children (K ~ Gr. 12)


Parents can inspire their children’s math learning in a positive and engagin way through YouCubed activities and games at home. The listed activities on the left are a few examples that family members can play together. For more ideas, please visit https://www.youcubed.org/



Program interactive stories and games (ages 8 ~ 16)

Scratch is a kid-friendly, free online platform that teaches coding through creative projects. Children use colorful blocks to build games, animations, and stories. It promotes problem-solving, logical thinking, and creativity in a safe online community. Parents can join in to encourage their child’s learning journey and bond over coding adventures.

For ages 5 ~ 7, please check https://www.scratchjr.org/ 


Learn how to code at home (ages 4 ~ 21+)

This platform provides a wealth of fr interactive activities, Code.org makes learning to code enjoyable and accessible. It equips children with vital skills like problem-solving and computational thinking, preparing them for the digital future. Parents can actively engage in their child’s learning journey by monitoring progress, exploring tutorials together, and even participating in family coding activities.
