Fun Knowledge

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Science and mathematics share universal principles and concepts that transcend cultural and linguistic boundaries. Nevertheless, how they are taught, practiced, and applied can differ greatly based on cultural and linguistic contexts. This page highlights intriguing examples in which science and math can vary across cultures and includes fun facts, opportunities to test your knowledge, and fascinating geography insights.

Click on a country to explore!

Did You Know?

Scientific Terminology Can Vary Between Countries!

Science is a universal language, but scientific terminology can vary between countries due to language differences and cultural factors. Below are some examples of differences in scientific terminology between countries.

Taxonomic Nomenclature

Taxonomy, the science of classifying living organisms, follows a universal system of nomenclature and hierarchical organization. However, the names assigned to various taxonomic ranks, such as domains, kingdoms, phyla, classes, orders, families, genera, and species, can vary across languages due to linguistic differences.

Periodic Table Elements

While the names and symbols of elements on the periodic table are standardized internationally, their pronunciation and interpretation may differ across languages. For example, the element "aluminum" is called "aluminium" in British English.

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In North America, the comma is used as a thousands separator, and the period is used as the decimal point. For example, 1,000.50 would be one thousand and fifty cents.

Many countries use the opposite convention, with a period as the thousands separator and a comma as the decimal point. ​For example, 1.000,50 would be read as one thousand and fifty cents.

In some countries, other Arabic numerals are used as the standard numerical system....Check out the table above (first row) to compare the two sets of numerals!

Did You Know?

The word ‘algebra’  comes from the Arabic word  ‘الجبر‘ (al-jabr), which means “reunion of broken parts.”


The numeral system, which is now used globally (0-9), originated in the Arab world and is known as the Arabic Numeral System. Nonetheless, these numbers are written from left to right: 0,1,2,3,...
unlike the direction of the Arabic script, which is written right to left!

Culture & Language

In China, certain numbers hold cultural and symbolic meanings. For instance, the number 8 is considered lucky due to its phonetic similarity to the word for "prosper" or "wealth." This cultural significance can influence everyday interactions and business decisions.

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How do Countries Compare?

Did you know that there are nearly 200 recognized countries, each offering a unique blend of landscapes, cultures, and histories? However, the diversity isn't limited to just geographical features; educational systems and curricula also vary from one country to another. In the ESCAPE Projects, we have examined the curricula of 11 countries to compare similarities and differences. To learn more about each country's educational system, you can check out our interactive map below, where under each icon listed, there is a description of that country's curriculum. Happy exploring!

Ethiopia has its own distinctive calendar called the ‘Ge’ez Calendar.’ It is based on the ancient Coptic Calendar, with a unique system of timekeeping. Below are some fun facts:

Different Year Count & 13-Month Year 🇪🇹⏳

One of the most distinctive features of the Ethiopian calendar is its 13-month year. While the Gregorian calendar, widely used globally, has 12 months, the Ethiopian calendar adds an extra month. Each month consists of 30 days, with a final month having 5 or 6 days, depending on whether it is a leap year. The Ethiopian calendar has a leap year every four years. In a leap year, the additional month of 'Pagumē' has 6 days. The Ethiopian calendar follows a unique year count system. It is roughly 7-8 years behind the Gregorian calendar. For instance, Ethiopia celebrated the start of its millennium at midnight on September 12, 2007. The year 2023 in the Gregorian calendar would be around 2015 or 2016 in the Ethiopian calendar!

Did You Know?

Earth’s Freshwater

  • Approximately 97.5% of the Earth’s water is found in the oceans and seas, and it’s too salty for most human uses, including drinking and irrigation.
  • Only about 2.5% of the Earth’s water is freshwater. However, the majority of this freshwater is locked in ice caps, glaciers, and polar ice, making it inaccessible for immediate use. Less than 1% of the world’s freshwater is readily available in lakes, rivers, and underground aquifers. 

Like Canada, most countries around the world use the metric system!

Fun Facts

Did You Know?

Did you know that the United States and Canada, often speak different languages when it comes to measurement units? In the U.S., you’ll find temperatures in Fahrenheit, distances in miles, and volumes in gallons, while in Canada, it’s all about Celsius, kilometres, and litres….it’s called the Metric System!

Test your Knowledge

Note: Although, the equation is read right to left, each number is read left to right (just as you would read a number written in standard numerals). You can find the answer below!

The answer is 7000


٧١٥٢ is 7152

٥ is 5

١٥٧ is 157

The equation is read from right to left so you read it as:

7152 + 5 – 157 = 7000

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